Sunday, November 2, 2014

South Florida Realtors Battle and Defeat of CANCER

Posted on November 2, 2014 by Rory Mark Schmer from South Florida

Fifteen years cancer free this month! At the age of 39 this terrible disease decided it wanted to take my life. Talk about being brought to your knees and realizing that you are not indestructible. 

We bought a couple ski's back in the day to beat up on and enjoy the south Florida weather. I remember totally abusing this jet ski when she just gave out in the middle of the canal. I had to tinker with her for a while but finally got her started. This was the beginning of my journey and what eventually saved my life.

Do you see those little guys swimming around. Well those are Aeromonas Veronii and I must have contracted them while in the canal system when that Jet Ski died. The next couple of months I had all kinds of stomach issues. So I went to the doctors. They ran all types of tests. Results came back stating I had this bacteria. Simple fix a high dose of antibiotics. Not so simple come to find out.

During the next few weeks or so I found myself just getting worse. No stamina, no strength, no appetite. I went from 185 to 135 pounds and found myself at the above referenced medical center. Broward General Medical Center welcomed me with open arms. I was sitting in this room waiting to be seen when a nurse came through and I guess noticed the color in my face. 

She came over and asked me a couple of question and the next thing I know I'm admitted and she's telling me to take off my shoes and put this gown on. WHAT! Five days later after a crazy amount of tests a surgeon comes into my room with a legal pad and pencil. He introduces himself. Seems like a nice enough man but honestly he looked like one of my nephews. I asked him how old he was and he replies 31. I was 34! That is when terror came over me and I do believe from that point forward it was if I was having an outer body experience and was watching everything happen from above.

So he begins to draw on this pad. You know that stick like looking body and he circles my abdomen. "See that spot he says?" Yes sir I reply. Then he says "there is a blockage in that location that needs to go and between you and I, I believe it's cancer"!!! I said to him can I go home and come back on Monday. Not sure where that came from or what I was thinking. Then he says 'Rory if you leave I cannot guarantee you will live, matter of fact, we need to go in and go in like today".

Next thing I know they are wheeling me away from my family and into surgery. This was pretty scary. Surgery went well I guess. I awake to a morphine drip and this like 10 inch long bandage covering my belly and you know that tube in a place that we do not need to discuss. Next few days as I remember were pretty painful. 

My brother had picked me up from the hospital and brought me home. A very humbling experience I must say. The next 7 months were all about chemotherapy. Six weeks of therapy and two weeks off. This went on for the 7 months. I bounced back pretty quickly. I remember going to Char-Hut on a daily basis and chowing down. Someone had said to me that the first 5 years are key. If you live past this timeline odds are cancer will not be the reason for your demise.

This is what it's all about for me now! Family, Friends and my Clients. I formed SouthFloridaHomeSale.Com with fun in mind. No Stress! Should you have any questions about this trying experience please feel free to reach out as I would love to be there for you.

Let's Get This Party Started...

Considering buying, selling or renting Real Estate here in Miami-Dade, Broward or the Palm Beach Counties? We have resided here in South Florida for 45 plus years. Conducting Real Estate on a very high level! Making friends and building relationships.

Please contact me Rory Mark Schmer CEO & Founder of SouthFloridaHomeSale.Com

My promise to you and your family:
  • Loyalty
  • Skill, Care & Diligence in all areas
  • Confidentiality
  • Accounting for all funds
  • Instant Gratification
  • Patience
  • Disclosing all known that materially affect the value of residential real property and are not readily available.
You can reach me directly at 954.465.8147 we operate 24/7. We are email and text friendly so please feel free to contact us VIA any means available. I am always here for you!

I have surrounded myself with the best associates in the business. We have attorneys on staff and should you need mortgage assistance our lenders are incredible. 

I look forward to hearing from you. Check out our site she's loaded with information and content. I know you will appreciate her.

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