Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Miami Beach Prohibits Bicycling Along Lincoln Road

Posted on November 19, 2014 by Rory Mark Schmer from South Florida

Inconvenience and Confusion. Sign reads as it flashes in Capital Letters "NO BICYCLES ON LINCOLN ROAD" - "BICYCLES PROHIBITED 9 A.M. to 2 A.M."  Are you kidding me! A city ordinance was passed earlier this fall, signs went up and enforcement commenced.

Except for last night. Local Code and Law Enforcement were non existent. Bike racks were full, tourists and locals were cycling right passed the signs. Some enjoying South Beach and others wondering how they were going to get to work in the future.

Lincoln Road has so much to offer, world class shops and incredibly tasty restaurants. To name a few,  The Yard House, Huahua's Taqueria, Havanna 1957, 100 Montaditos and a couple of highly regarded Italian Restaurants Quattro Gastronomia Italiana & Puntino-Dal Toro Bistro.  

"We need some clarity" said a cyclist. "Are the bikes banned or just riding them" said a passer by. "This is South Beach" a young woman said. The signs are located along Lincoln Road between Meridian and Washington Avenues. "Safety comes first" said one biker, "I will comply with the spirit of the rule."

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