Sunday, January 25, 2015

This is why we live in South Florida

Posted on January 25, 2015 by Rory Mark Schmer from South Florida
For all your Real Estate needs go to www.SouthFloridaHomeSale.Com

Who's got it better than us?

I woke this morning to clear skies and as you can see above the temperature was 50 degrees. Whether you are a full time resident, part-time resident, vacationer or even an owner in a condominium resort with a Hotel Program. South Florida is the place to be, all year long!

Here is one of the reasons I love South Florida. Gardening, I've been growing vegetables for years now. All year long, everything from seed.

Various tomato strains, assorted peppers hot and sweet, radishes, collard greens, cucumbers, garlic, various herbs. My tomato plants last year were just under 18 feet tall.

Check out these peppers! Hottest on the Planet. Yes the planet. There are some Carolina Reapers along with a few Maruga Scorpions and a couple Butch T-Trinidad Scorpions.

What's pretty special are the plants have commingled and I do believe I have my own strain which in my mind is the Hottest Pepper on our Planet.

Ok, now back to why nobodies got it better than us! An associate of mine sent me this picture this morning. How beautiful right? Sure from where I am sitting. From his vantage I'm not so sure. He had the heater going, had to stay inside. I could go on and on.


On the left is me on the Broadwalk at Hollywood Beach this morning. On the right that's my Pal's view. Don't get me wrong, I love the snow but again no one has it better than us. It's January!

This is what I'll be doing this afternoon!

This is what my buddy is doing right now with his family! So with that said when you get a chance give me a shout. I'm a pretty good farmer and an even better Realtor. Allow me the opportunity to make your Dreams of owning Real Estate here in South Florida a "Reality" and should you already reside in SoFlo Give us a shout as we have all the bases covered, whether buying or selling!

Call Rory Mark Schmer at 954.465.8147, We Are Dream Weavers

Check out the video. We describe in detail pretty much all the area's of "The Real Estate Transaction". I am here for you should you have any questions.

Considering buying, selling or leasing Real Estate here in Miami-Dade, Broward or the Palm Beach Counties? We have resided here in South Florida for 45 plus years. Conducting Real Estate on a very high level! Making friends and building relationships.

Please contact me Rory Mark Schmer CEO & Founder of SouthFloridaHomeSale.Com

My promise to you and your family:
  • Loyalty
  • Skill, Care & Diligence in all areas
  • Confidentiality
  • Accounting for all funds
  • Instant Gratification
  • Patience
  • Disclosing all known that materially affect the value of residential real property and are not readily available.
  • You can reach me directly at 954.465.8147 we operate 24/7. We are email and text friendly so please feel free to contact us VIA any means available. I am always here for you!
I have surrounded myself with the best associates in the business. We have attorneys on staff and should you need mortgage assistance our lenders are incredible. 

I look forward to hearing from you. Check out our website she's loaded with information and content. I know you will appreciate her.

Have a great day,
Rory Mark Schmer PA

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