Monday, January 12, 2015

Bayside Market Place Miami to undergo renovations and expansion

Posted on January 12, 2015 by Rory Mark Schmer from South Florida
For all your Real Estate needs go to www.SouthFloridaHomeSale.Com

 Bayside Market Place to under go renovations and expansion

General Growth Properties has hired Zyscovich Architects to "re-imagine" the Downtown Miami market place. The common area's and waterfront plazas will be renovated, the two level parking garage will be expanded and retail space will be added.

Miami Commissioners approved a 99 year lease agreement with Bayside Marketplace and Skyrise Miami developer Jeffrey Berkwitz when General Growth committed at least $27 Million in upgrades to the mall.

Berkowitz will pay rent to Bayside and contribute more than $ 1 million annually to the city of Miami, which is allowing the developer to sublease 1.9 acres behind Bayside. 

Considering buying, selling or leasing Real Estate here in Miami-Dade, Broward or the Palm Beach Counties? We have resided here in South Florida for 45 plus years. Conducting Real Estate on a very high level! Making friends and building relationships.

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Have a great day,
Rory Mark Schmer PA

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